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Seven Steps to Get What You Want Out of Life With a Positive Attitude

Home » Mindset » Seven Steps to Get What You Want Out of Life With a Positive Attitude

Having a positive attitude can make all the difference in the world in what you get out of life. Your attitude will determine whether you are simply complacent and experience life just going through the motions or welcome every challenge and opportunity as an opportunity for growth and advancement. Have you ever looked at people who always seem happy and enjoy life and wondered why you couldn’t be more like them? Have you ever said to yourself “Why is it that they are always so popular and seem to attract everyone to them like a magnet?” Did you ever stop to think that it might just be their positive attitude about life and how they view and react to the world around them? Here are seven simple but powerful tips to having a more positive attitude: 1. Take passionate action towards living your life. Don’t just make it through the day, live it. Live it like it was your last day on earth. Passion and a positive attitude are contagious. You will find others attracted to you who are just as passionate about life and living. 2. Act instead of reacting. Don’t wait until something bad happens and then try to deal with it. Be proactive and make good things happen. You are responsible for what you get out of the life that you have been given so don’t waste it.  Create the best life you possibly can, one day at a time. 3. Believe that each moment is perfect regardless of its outcome. Bad things happen but you shouldn’t let that bring you down. Ask yourself if the circumstance will matter a year, a month, a week or even a day from now. Good things can come from everything – you may just not realize it at the time. Learn to open yourself to learn, gain strength and grow from challenges that you face. Having a positive attitude will help you to get through the bad times even stronger and more determined to succeed. 4. Learn to always be grateful for what you have. It’s a well-known fact among successful people that having gratitude will get you more than never being satisfied. There’s nothing wrong with having dreams and goals and desiring more out of life, but we need to be grateful for what we already have. Those who are never satisfied or grateful with what they have get into a “needy” or “poverty” mindset, where they think they never have have anything, and are doomed to never having anything. You might even want to keep a gratitude log so that you can remind yourself of all that you have to be thankful. A positive attitude attracts positive actions. Gratitude attracts positive energy. 5. Seize every opportunity that you can instead of regretting it later. This doesn’t mean that you should chase every get rich scheme that you come across. But you shouldn’t be afraid to try something new if it feels right. Successful people have taught themselves to have a sixth sense when it comes to taking advantage of new opportunities. 6. Always keep your sense of humor. People like to be around those who find humor in even the most awkward moments. Learn to laugh and you will be more positive, especially if you can learn to laugh at yourself and you don’t take yourself, or life, too seriously.  Life is much too short to waste it moping around in self pity. 7. Believe that you are in charge of your own destiny. No one can take your dreams away except you. As long as there’s still breath in your body, there is no limit to how much you can accomplish. Life is not something that is going on around you. It is what you make of it. And even by doing nothing you are still creating your life, so why not get involved and create the life that you want and can enjoy? The truly successful enjoy life and are proud of their accomplishments no matter how significant they are. It all starts with a positive attitude.
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Karen Ferrante

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